I’ve just scratched the surface with AWS Lambda, it’s such a powerful idea. They call it “serverless computing”, but really it’s “I don’t want to think about servers” computing. As a client developer, I don’t want to have to care about servers but I want to be able to create things and having a remote service is an important part of this. Lambda, OpenWhisk, and Azure’s Service Fabric seem to all be tackling the same idea. I can’t wait for Apple to release something in this area as part of iCloud or CloudKit. How cool would it be to define a worker in Xcode and just deploy it as part of a target?

Okay, it’s not even a real issue but I’ve decided to stick with the 12.9” iPad Pro. New Apple releases always get me excited but the new 9.7” is underpowered compared to my existing iPad, it just doesn’t make sense to “upgrade”. I’m not the only one thinking this way either. I’ve actually started using my iPad Pro a little more with the Apple Pencil. For a few years I’ve been doing the Bullet Journal method on paper, now I’m writing these notes in Notability and I get all the benefits of it being digital—syncing, embedded images, etc.

New Apple announcements today, I really liked how Tim Cook opened the event talking about their position in the privacy issue, their goals to use renewable energy, and the new Carekit SDK. I’ll be getting a new 9.7" iPad Pro as soon as I can sell my 12.9" iPad Pro. The new one seems like the perfect iPad to me especially with that True Tone stuff. I’ve already bought my new watch band.

Daredevil season 2 was pretty great. I’m happy overall with the Netflix section of the Marvel cinematic universe but I really wish that they’d do a little bit more of the crossover stuff. Marvel movies (and comics) are often fun because of who shows up. How awesome would it have been for Spider-Man to show up when Daredevil was on the rooftops listening for crime?

I feel like I now have a good understanding of Amazon Web Services. This means later today I’ll discover something that wrecks my understanding. But wow, with Terraform and AWS you can really simply build and deploy a pretty crazy set of servers. I’m even deploying docker-based apps.

I’ve occasionally been working at The Frontier in RTP during the week. We have a small office there and I’ve noticed I don’t like using my headphones when in there. So I picked up a UE Roll Bluetooth Speaker based on a Wirecutter recommendation. I’m really happy with it. It is small but heavy, feels durable, and sounds great.

I just finished a marathon of the 4th season of “House of Cards” on Netflix. I think the season was good but real life presidential elections seem so much more crazy.

Last night at NSCoder Night we were playing around with Dan Leehr’s new app Clone. It’s really a great 1.0. With this and Travis CI, I can now publish to this blog from my iPhone or iPad Pro by just committing to Github.

At tonight’s CocoaHeads, I did a small talk on using Server Side Swift and deploying it with Docker and Ansible. Everything was going fine until the Swift Web Framework I was using crashed. Turns out someone pushed a breaking change in the 30 minutes between my test run and my live demo. This is why you don’t do live demos and don’t rely on latest from a remote repository.

Apple posted videos from their Apple TV Tech Talks. I wanted this API so badly for a long time and have still done nothing with it. Maybe these videos will inspire me.