So I bought one of those “mattress in a box” mattresses. It arrives today and I’m super excited. I’ve been getting horrible sleep lately and I think our 15 year old spring mattress gets some of the blame. We reviewed a lot of different ones and ended up picking the Purple mattress. It had some great reviews and probably one of the funniest videos on YouTube.

I just open sourced the theme for this blog on Github. I think some of the things I do are not standard to Hugo, so I wrote some extensive documentation too. If you like this blog’s theme, check out internet-weblog on Github,

After spending a month or so building an API in Go, I’m really liking the idea of server-side Swift. Go is nice, but I like the idea of an iOS app and the API it consumes in the same language. This was in today’s iOS Dev Weekly: Hello Server Side Swift.

I saw two movies last weekend, Deadpool and Zoolander 2. Both were not as funny as they should be. Deadpool was good but most of the funny things were spoiled in the trailers. Zoolander 2 was just disappointing.

I’m finding it really difficult not to rage-tweet about politics this year.

My Developer Tools and Utilities List (2014 Edition)

I’ve often wanted to do a yearly roundup of the tools and utilities I use; if only as a log of things I use over time. I did this two years ago in 2012 and when I was thinking about getting back to blogging I wanted to update the list. The funny thing is not much has changed. I’m actually surprised that I don’t use that many tools. Hardware Retina MacBook Pro - Still working with my 2012 Retina MacBook Pro with 2.

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Where I change my mind about CocoaPods

It has almost become a joke at our local NSCoder Night. Bring up CocoaPods and a long and heated discussion about whether it is a good idea will begin. I’ve always been on the “I don’t like it” side of the argument. Then today during our weekly “CocoaBrains” tech talk at Two Toasters we re-review this dependency management solution. Spoiler: I am changing my mind about CocoaPods. Reasons I didn’t like it I tried CocoaPods when it was pretty new.

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Xcode Build Settings Script

The current project I’m working on is a static library. Part of the application includes a set of Calabash acceptance tests and a rake script to launch them. This means my build and test script needs to know the location of the built product to launch. When I first started this project back in the early days of Xcode 4, I decided to stick with the legacy build settings and use a build directory in the same location as the project.

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