One day of my Micropub-based endpoint working for my micro-blog, and now it’s already broken. I kind of want to build my own version now. I think I understand how the flow needs to work and it would be nice to be able to better configure how the markdown is created.

This week I read some of “The Call of Cthulhu” and other stories by HP Lovecraft. First time reading anything from that world. Not what I expected at all, but pretty interesting. 📚

Unfortunately, I couldn't get photos working through the nodejs project, which is mostly related to my lack of nodejs knowledge.

So basically, a post goes from -> A web app on Heroku -> Github -> Netlify. Simple! 😧

I created a small service on Heroku based on this project to publish to my Hugo-generated microblog. It seems to work well even though it’s built for Jekyll. Yay markdown!

Tonight I attended my son’s new meetup for anyone who enjoys the Rubik’s Cube. He brought a ton of cubes!

Talk of the “conference era” ending has me also thinking about CocoaHeads. There is social value but are presentations still valuable? Or is iOS just not cool anymore? Our local CocoaHeads has seen fewer attendees lately, is it time to significantly change it or end it?

I just published a new blog post where I talk about how I automate the process of posting a new blog post, Static Blog Automation.

Yesterday I did this LLDB thing to avoid an unnecessary breakpoint that occured on ‘SIGPIPE’. It works great but I keep seeing it updated by Xcode. I don’t need to track updates so I learned a new git trick: git update-index --assume-unchanged <file>.

I’ve had this problem in Xcode where it breaks on SIGPIPE when I disconnect from our WebSocket implementation. Today I learned about this lldb command: pro hand -p true -s false SIGPIPE. Xcode doesn’t load the .lldbinit file so I had to improvise. A shared symbolic break point on our socket connection method did the trick.