CocoaConf Raleigh 2012

This weekend I was a speaker and attendee at CocoaConf Raleigh. Now in it’s second year in Raleigh the conference has matured into a great traveling conference (This year they were in Chicago, DC, Columbus, and Portland) with a lot of great sessions. I’ll review my session, discuss the sessions I attended, and talk about the conference overall. The Conference Last year my biggest complaint about the conference was the location.

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Automated Acceptance Testing or: How I stopped worrying and trusted the tests

This month at Triangle CocoaHeads in Durham, I stepped away from being just the organizer and did a talk on automated acceptance testing with Calabash. This is a topic I’m really excited to learn more about and am constantly trying to become a better tester. I first learned about Calabash when seeing a video of one of the blitz talks from NSConference about it. I started using it on one project and it seemed to do a nice job.

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CocoaConf Raleigh 2011

This weekend I was a speaker and attendee at CocoaConf; a 2-day conference series for Mac and iOS developers. It was a small conference that left time for people to actually meet each other and had many great sessions from great developers. Here I’ll review the conference, a selection of my favorite sessions, and a post-mortem of my sessions. The Conference After having been to Autodesk University a couple years and then WWDC this year, it is refreshing to go to a conference where you can actually talk to every attendee.

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My talk on bad movies from PechaKucha Raleigh

My talk on Bad Movies from September’s PechaKucha. I think it went over pretty well. The event was well run and many of the other talks were also great. I especially enjoyed a talk about Physicist Richard Feynman and his decade-long attempt to visit Tannu Tuva.