[NOTE] Unix Command Book

Basic concepts in ML/AI algorithms, and some simple algorithms implementations. There are so many operators and variants of them; this post only covers the most basic ones.

Environment Setups

# Modules loc: /usr/share/Modules/modulefiles
module avai

Process and Sessions

kill -9 <pid> 
pkill -u <uid> -f "<process_name>"
bash <(curl -L zellij.dev/launch)

Disk Management

$ du -h -d 1 /scratch/users/sx233/
404M    /scratch/users/sx233/6980-sp23
4.5G    /scratch/users/sx233/conda
>> df -h --block-size=GB /scratch/users/
Filesystem               1GB-blocks   Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/mapper/VG00-SCRATCH     2198GB 2198GB       1GB 100% /scratch