[BLOG] Hacking Hugo SSG Themes

最近开始折腾前端了,相比于写一个所谓的 AI 编译器/加速器,还是写个好看的前端/E2E 用户程序让人有成绩感(sigh)。原来用 VuePress 写博客,后来嫌他不够好看,就换掉了。


Apero is an elegant and minimalistic theme for Hugo.

The author suggests using RStudio + blogdown pkg to generate Hugo site with Apero theme. The purpose using R blogdown is to compile Rmd files into md files, and then use Hugo to generate static site. If you do not use Rmd, you can just use Hugo to generate static site.


brew install r --cask
brew install rstudio --cask
open -a "RStudio.app"

# RStudio or your can run in RScript
> library(blogdown)
> new_site(theme = "hugo-apero/hugo-apero", 
           format = "toml",
           sample = FALSE,
           empty_dirs = TRUE)