iPhone App Design Evolution - 100percent

Here it is, yet another video showing the process of creating an iPhone app, just a bit inspired by the video posted by tap tap tap. As you’ll see, this whole post is full of inspiration. My latest project has been for a client that was looking for a focused percentage calculator. A quick search through the App Store shows a lot of tip calculators and even some percentage calculators. It would be very easy to pop a few controls and some simple math together to make an app, but aren’t Mac / iPhone interfaces supposed to be a bit more thought out?

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iPhone App UI Tricks - Drag from outside the Screen

This really isn’t a trick, or even a tip. In fact, no additional code was written to get this behavior. However, it is too cool not to show some how and the small pictures on the App Store don’t do it justice. By placing a UIView (or subclassed view) on the bottom of my main view, messages to touchesMoved:withEvent: are made as soon as your finger crosses into the iPhone’s screen.

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